When I saw Aleanne make an appearance for the first time, and when I saw her totally school Dina on what it means to be transgender, I knew this was one person’s story that I couldn’t miss.

Even Dina’s to some extent, although I can barely stand her.Īnyway, the latest character to be released for Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme is the one that I’ve been waiting for since I first loaded up the game. With that said, I’ve been enjoying every character’s story thus far. I’m certainly no stranger to the whole “gender swap” genre of games and it piqued my interest enough to pick it up.

All I knew about it was that the playable characters had reversed their biological sex through some freaky deaky accident. When I discovered Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme via Indie Royale I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into.