
Permendiknas no 23 tahun 2006
Permendiknas no 23 tahun 2006

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permendiknas no 23 tahun 2006 permendiknas no 23 tahun 2006

Semmel, Instructional Development For Training Teachers Of Exceptional Children : A Source Book ( Minnesota, University Of Minnesota, 1974). Yulianti, International Journal of Educational Studies in Social Sciences 2, 145– 148 (2020). Suharna, Universal Journal of Educational Research 8, 2232– 2244 (2020). Maris, Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia 9, 319– 329 (2020). Sumarmo, Kemandirian Belajar: Apa, Mengapa, dan Bagaimana dikembangkan pada Peserta Didik. Encouraging Mathematical Thinking: Discourse around A Rich Problem. Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan 20, 142– 155(2016). Method for Teaching ( Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta, 2009). Ting, International Journal of Business and Society 18, 661– 668(2017). Assess High-Order Thinking in Your Classroom ( USA: ASCD, 2010). Developing mathematical reasoning in grades K-12 ( Reston, VA: NCTM, 1999), p. A, Innovative Task to Improve Critical and Creative Thinking Skill. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 avaliable at. In conclusion, mathematics module based of the high-level question was valid and practical to use by teacher to improve teachers’ high order thinking skill.

permendiknas no 23 tahun 2006 permendiknas no 23 tahun 2006

The results of the validity of the module produced in the valid category (78%) and the results of the practicality test through the response questionnaire in the very practical category (84%). Based on the results of the study, it was proven that mathematics module based of the high-level question in increasing high order thinking for middle school mathematics teachers that was designed was valid and practical. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics. Research instruments include validation sheets and teacher response questionnaires. This type of research is development research using research and development research methods (R&D), 4-D development models, namely: define, design, develop, disseminate. The aims of this research to produce a mathematics module based of the high-level question to improving high order thinking for middle school mathematics teachers that are valid and practical.

Permendiknas no 23 tahun 2006